Deep Plane Facelift

Conveniently located to serve West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, Wellington, & Boca Raton.

If you are hoping to look more refreshed and youthful, a deep plane facelift may be right for you. A Deep Plane Facelift is a modern facelift technique that targets the deep tissue layers beneath the skin. This deep plane technique involves repositioning the entire facial structure, delivering a comprehensive solution to address the aging process by moving the drooping structure back to where they were when you were younger. It corrects sagging, laxity, and drooping in the midface, jawline, and neck, going beyond what traditional facelifts can offer. Performed by a double board certified facial plastic surgeon, a deep plane facelift provides natural results by delicately repositioning the underlying muscles and connective tissue, not merely tightening the skin. This method reduces unwanted tightness associated with less sophisticated procedures and preserves your unique facial characteristics to help deliver natural appearing results.

Benefits of Deep Plane Facelifts

Patients who choose a deep plane facelift experience a host of benefits. First and foremost, this method addresses the underlying issue in the aging face, allowing your facial plastic surgeon to correct sagging and heaviness from their roots. Other techniques often try to cover up aging changes with techniques like fat grafting as opposed to moving the descended fat and muscle back to where it is supposed to be. This results in a rejuvenated jawline and an overall youthful look, with natural results that align with your unique facial structure.

Patients commonly benefit from the quicker healing from surgery due to the preservation of more lymphatic drainage pathways. This allows their swelling to subside quicker so they can get back to their life sooner, and enjoy their more rejuvenated appearance.

Additionally, deep plane facelifts offer long-lasting results compared to traditional facelifts. The deep plane technique targets the actual causes of aging, not just its symptoms. As such, the results can last for 10 to 15 years or even longer, depending on the individual’s lifestyle and genetics.

Dr. Patrick Cleveland uses an extended deep plane facelift technique to maximize the durability and natural appearance in each facelift he performs.

Ideal Candidates for Deep Plane Facelift

Ideal candidates for a deep plane facelift are typically individuals who experience sagging or looseness in the midface, jawline, and neck. They are usually in their late 40s to 70s but can be younger or older. If you’re concerned about visible signs of aging and non-invasive treatments no longer provide the desired effect, you might be a suitable candidate for a deep plane facelift.

It’s also important that candidates for this procedure are in good overall health, do not smoke, and have an understanding of what to expect. A consultation with Dr. Patrick Cleveland can help determine if this procedure is right for you.

Deep Plane Facelift vs Traditional Facelift

In a traditional facelift or rhytidectomy, the surgeon lifts and pulls back the skin to create a tighter appearance. While this approach can provide noticeable results, it tends to result in a “pulled back” look and does not address sagging in the deeper tissue layers.

In contrast, a deep plane facelift surgery goes beneath the skin, lifting the SMAS layer (Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System), fat pads, and muscles. This technique also releases the areas that tether these structures and pull them down to help improve longevity. This results in a more thorough correction of age-related laxity and sagging of the lower face, yielding natural results. As the skin is not pulled or stretched, patients don’t experience the unnatural tightness often associated with traditional facelifts. Additionally, the elevation and suspension of the SMAS and Platysma lead to longer-lasting results than skin only facelifts.

Minimizing Scars from a Deep Plane Facelift Technique

Every facelift procedure leaves some form of scarring, however an experienced facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Cleveland takes great care to ensure that these scars are as inconspicuous as possible. Incisions are typically made along the hairline and around the ears, where they can be naturally concealed.

Because the deeper layers end up holding up the sagging tissues as opposed to the skin, the skin is able to be closed in a tension free fashion, which leads to less visible scarring. Furthermore, Dr. Cleveland places sutures in multiple layers to improve the appearance of the incisions so it heals in the least visible way possible.

Using advanced surgical techniques, Dr. Cleveland also minimizes trauma to the tissues, which can lead to reduced scarring. Following your post-operative care instructions carefully will also help your scars heal well and fade over time.

Recovery After a Deep Plane Facelift Procedure

Recovery from a deep plane facelift typically requires two to three weeks. Initial swelling and bruising are normal and usually subside within the first week. It’s crucial to follow all post-operative care instructions to ensure a smooth recovery and the best possible results.

Patients should avoid strenuous activities during the initial recovery period. Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress and address any questions or concerns you may have.

Long-Term Results of Deep Plane Facelifts

One of the standout features of a deep plane facelift is the long-lasting results it offers. Due to the comprehensive nature of the procedure, patients can expect to enjoy their rejuvenated appearance for 10 to 15 years or longer. Individual factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and skin care can influence the longevity of the results.

Keep in mind that a deep plane facelift does not stop the aging process. However, it resets the clock, meaning you will always look younger than if you had not had the procedure.

Deep Plane Facelift: The Science Explained

The aging process causes changes in all layers of our face, from the skin to the underlying muscles and ligaments. With age, these tissues lose elasticity which causes two major issues. First the ligaments that suspend the facial muscles and fat pads stretch causing sagging in the jowls, midface, and in the neck. This sagging stretches out the overlying skin which leads to the loose appearance associated with aging.

Many researchers have correctly noticed a loss of volume over areas like the cheekbones, which has led to procedures that focus on adding new volume like dermal fillers and fat grafting, but this ignores where that old volume has gone. Has it completely left? In most cases it has not, the fat pads have just sagged down off the cheek bones leading to a squared off look and a loss of cheek bone definition. Deep plane facelift moves this fat back to its natural place, which prevents that overfilled look that can occur with fat grafting and filler.

The deep plane facelift addresses these changes at their root. By repositioning the SMAS layer and muscles, the procedure restores a youthful facial contour and reduces the appearance of wrinkles. This is especially pronounced at how well it creates a beautiful jawline contour by mobilizing and tightening the platysma muscle. Because the skin is not stretched or pulled, the results are more natural and long-lasting.

What Makes Deep Plane Facelift Unique?

The deep plane facelift stands apart from other procedures due to its comprehensive approach. While many facelift techniques focus on tightening the skin alone, the deep plane facelift targets the deeper tissues, addressing the fundamental causes of facial aging while removing extra skin.

This unique technique allows for a thorough correction of sagging and laxity in the midface, nasolabial fold, jawline, and neck, resulting in a rejuvenated and youthful appearance. These tissues are usually lifted in a vertical vector to place them back where they were before they began dropping. Furthermore, because the skin is not stretched or pulled, the results are more natural and avoid the “windswept” look associated with some other techniques.

Combining Deep Plane Facelift with Other Procedures

A deep plane facelift can be combined with other procedures for a more comprehensive facial rejuvenation. For instance, eyelid surgery (blepharoplasty) can address drooping eyelids, while liposuction can remove stubborn fat deposits in the neck area.

Commonly, patients who have always struggled with full cheeks can get their buccal fat pads reduced to help create more facial definition. This is often a stubborn area for some patients that despite diet and exercise will not go away.

Dr. Cleveland will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses all of your aesthetic concerns and achieves your desired results.

Addressing Concerns About Deep Plane Facelift

Undergoing any surgical procedure can raise questions and concerns. Dr. Cleveland and his team at Patrick Cleveland Facial Plastic Surgery understand this and are dedicated to providing clear, comprehensive information about the procedure, recovery, and expected results.

During your consultation, Dr. Cleveland will take the time to discuss the procedure in detail, answer all your questions, and address any fears or concerns you may have. His goal is to ensure you feel fully informed and comfortable with your decision to undergo a deep plane facelift.

Post-Operative Care for Deep Plane Facelift

Post-operative care is a crucial aspect of achieving the best results from your deep plane facelift. After your surgery, Dr. Cleveland will provide detailed instructions on how to care for your incisions, manage any discomfort, and promote healing. This may include prescriptions for pain relief, instructions on how to clean the incision sites, and when to start gentle physical activity.

Regular follow-up appointments will be scheduled to monitor your progress and ensure a smooth and successful recovery. Most patients are back to their normal routine in 2 weeks, and at your consultation, Dr. Cleveland will walk you through what to expect with pictures of the recovery process. One of the benefits of a Deep Plane lift is a shorter recovery time since the facial skin is less elevated.

The Advantages of Deep Plane Facelift in Women

For women, a deep plane facelift can provide a youthful and rejuvenated appearance while maintaining the unique features that define femininity. By addressing sagging and laxity at a deeper level, this technique allows for a thorough lift of the midface, jawline, and neck. Not only does it reduce the appearance of jowls and enhance the contour of the jawline, it restores volume to the cheeks which traditional facelift techniques fail to do without fat grafting.

Women who undergo a deep plane facelift can enjoy a revitalized appearance that respects and enhances their natural beauty.

Deep Plane Facelift for Men

Men can also benefit significantly from a deep plane facelift. As with women, the procedure can address signs of aging such as sagging skin and laxity in the neck and jawline. However, care is taken to preserve and enhance masculine features. The Deep plane flap is designed so that it does not feminize the cheeks but focuses on creating a strong jawline.

Furthermore, the incision options for men differ from women, as the facial hair growth pattern can make a pre-tragal incision more desirable, especially in men that wear facial hair routinely.

Dr. Cleveland understands the unique aesthetic needs and concerns of men seeking facial rejuvenation. He works to ensure that the results are natural, preserving the character and individuality of each patient’s face.

Anesthesia Options for Deep Plane Facelift

Ensuring patient comfort is a priority during a deep plane facelift. The procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia in an outpatient surgery center. You will be able to go home or to your hotel after recovering from surgery. Some physicians will do a less comprehensive lift with local anesthesia but to adequately reach the ligaments tethering the SMAS in a deep plane lift, sedation is required. If you prefer to avoid anesthesia Dr. Cleveland can perform the most comprehensive lift possible under local anesthesia with oral sedation. Dr. Cleveland and his team prioritize patient safety and will discuss the best anesthesia options for you during your pre-operative consultation, as well as review your medical history to ensure you are healthy enough for surgery. Dr. Cleveland wants to make sure this experience is as safe as possible, so every patient undergoes a comprehensive independent medical clearance prior to surgery to ensure they are healthy enough for surgery.


Real Patient Testimonials: Personal Experiences with Deep Plane Facelift

Our satisfied patients are a testament to Dr. Cleveland’s expertise as a facelift surgeon. Hear their personal experiences and see their transformative results. From consultation to post-procedure care, our patients appreciate the professionalism, care, and stunning results delivered by Patrick Cleveland Facial Plastic Surgery.

Choosing the Right Surgeon for Your Deep Plane Facelift

Selecting a fellowship trained, double board-certified facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Cleveland is crucial for ensuring the best possible outcome. His extensive training and expertise in facial contouring procedures, combined with his commitment to patient satisfaction, make him the ideal choice for your facelift.

When choosing a deep plane facelift surgeon, consider their credentials, experience, and the quality of their previous work. Schedule a consultation to discuss your goals and concerns to ensure that you feel comfortable and confident in your surgeon’s abilities.

Financing Options for Facelift Surgery

We understand that cost can be a concern for many patients considering a deep plane facelift. At Patrick Cleveland Facial Plastic Surgery, we offer a variety of financing options to help make this transformative procedure more accessible. Our team will work with you to determine the best financing solution for your unique situation.

Schedule Your Deep Plane Facelift Consult Today

Dr. Cleveland is one of the top rated deep plane facelift surgeons in South Florida, and one of the only that was fellowship trained by the leaders of the field in Manhattan. He has been internationally recognized for his expertise and invited to speak to surgeons from around the world. If you believe a facelift may be the right choice for you, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Patrick Cleveland in Palm Beach county. A consultation with him will provide you with valuable insight into your options and a deeper understanding of all the facets of facelifting and your surgery experience. He will carefully assess your needs and goals, providing expert guidance and personalized care to ensure the best possible outcome and once you decide you are ready for surgery, he will be there to give you the refreshed look you are looking for.