Revision Rhinoplasty

Conveniently located to serve West Palm Beach, Palm Beach Gardens, Jupiter, Wellington, & Boca Raton.

Revision rhinoplasty, often referred to as secondary rhinoplasty, involves corrective nasal surgery performed when a previous procedure (rhinoplasty or 'nose job') did not yield the desired results. This specialized form of facial plastic surgery requires a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon with exceptional skill and precision, as it deals with the delicate structure of the nose, including cartilage, nostrils, and the septum. The goal of revision rhinoplasty is to address both functional and aesthetic concerns, ensuring that the outcome aligns with the patient's realistic expectations.

Patients considering this surgery may have experienced issues such as difficulty breathing, dissatisfaction with the nose's appearance, or complications from the initial surgery. Dr. Patrick Cleveland offers expert consultation and tailored procedures to correct these issues.

Am I a Candidate for Revision Rhinoplasty?

Determining candidacy for revision rhinoplasty requires a comprehensive evaluation by a facial plastic surgeon. Ideal candidates are individuals who have had a previous rhinoplasty but are dissatisfied with the results, whether due to aesthetic concerns or functional issues such as breathing difficulties. It’s crucial to have realistic expectations about the outcome and understand that revision procedures can be more complex due to factors like scar tissue and altered nasal anatomy.

Patients should also have completely healed from their previous surgery, typically waiting at least a full year, to ensure the nose has stabilized and any issues are apparent.

Grafting: The Role of Septal, Rib, and Ear Cartilage in Revision Rhinoplasty

Grafting plays a pivotal role in revision rhinoplasty, particularly when structural support is needed, or when previous surgeries have removed significant amounts of tissue. Septal cartilage, harvested from the nasal septum, is often the first choice for grafting due to its strength and compatibility. In cases where septal cartilage is insufficient, rib or ear cartilage can be used. Rib cartilage grafts provide robust support for larger reconstructions, while ear cartilage is more pliable, making it suitable for smaller refinements.

Dr. Cleveland utilizes these cartilage grafts to meticulously reshape the nose, ensuring structural integrity and an aesthetically pleasing appearance. The choice of graft material depends on individual patient needs and the complexity of the revision.

Most Common Reasons for Revision Rhinoplasty

The most common reasons for seeking revision rhinoplasty include dissatisfaction with the cosmetic appearance of the nose, functional issues like breathing difficulties, and complications arising from the initial surgery. Aesthetic concerns may involve a nose that appears too large, asymmetrical, or does not harmonize with the patient’s facial features. Functional problems often relate to an obstructed airway due to a deviated septum or collapsed nostrils.

In some cases, complications such as excessive scar tissue formation, asymmetry, or over-resection (removal of too much tissue) during the first surgery necessitate revision. Addressing these issues requires the expertise of a double board-certified facial plastic surgeon like Dr. Cleveland, who can evaluate and correct these complex problems.

The Hanging Columella

A hanging columella – the small strip of tissue that separates the nostrils – can be a significant concern for some patients after their first rhinoplasty, especially when the primary rhinoplasty was done closed or endonasal. This issue may give the appearance of an elongated nose or disrupt the balance of facial features. Revision rhinoplasty can correct a hanging columella by adjusting the suture technique or reshaping the nasal tip cartilage which is often too long. This procedure requires meticulous attention to detail to ensure a natural-looking result that harmonizes with the patient’s facial structure.

The Bulbous Tip

A bulbous nasal tip can result from a variety of factors, including genetics, previous surgeries, or an imbalance in the nasal structure. This condition is characterized by a rounded, enlarged tip of the nose, which can detract from facial harmony. Frequently this is related to a lack of tip support leading to a undefined tip. Revision rhinoplasty to address a bulbous tip often involves refining the cartilage and soft tissue to create a more defined and aesthetically pleasing nasal tip.

The Over-projected Tip

An over-projected tip refers to a nose that extends too far from the face, often creating an unbalanced appearance. This is very common after closed rhinoplasty since that approach offers poor access to the nasal tip. Revision rhinoplasty can correct this by adjusting the length and projection of the nasal tip, ensuring it aligns harmoniously with the patient’s facial profile. This procedure may involve reducing or reshaping the nasal cartilage and adjusting the angle between the nose and upper lip.

Realistic Expectations

Setting realistic expectations is crucial for patients considering revision rhinoplasty. It’s important to understand that while significant improvements can be made, achieving perfection is often not possible. Factors such as skin thickness, facial structure, and the extent of previous surgeries all play a role in the final outcome.

During consultations at Patrick Cleveland Facial Plastic Surgery, patients are provided with a thorough understanding of what can be realistically achieved, ensuring they are well-informed and comfortable with the planned approach. The single most important factor in the ultimate success of your rhinoplasty surgery is that you are comfortable with your surgeon’s plan, and your surgeon understands and is comfortable with your expectations.

The Anatomy of the Nose

Understanding the anatomy of the nose is key to appreciating the complexities of revision rhinoplasty. The nose is composed of bone, cartilage, and soft tissue, each contributing to its shape and function. The septum, nostrils, and nasal tip are crucial areas often addressed during revision procedures. Dr. Cleveland will assess your specific anatomy and explain during your consultation how he will make precise adjustments to it, to balance the functional and aesthetic aspects of your nose.

Closed vs Open Nose Job: What is the Difference

In rhinoplasty, there are two main approaches: closed (endonasal) and open (external). The closed approach involves incisions hidden inside the nostrils, suitable for less extensive modifications, typically to the bridge only. This approach does not allow for good visualization of the tip cartilages making it difficult to see what is causing the nasal deformity from the prior rhinoplasty.

The open approach, on the other hand, involves mostly internal incisions coupled with a small incision across the columella, providing better access and visibility for more complex or extensive alterations. This allows the structure of the nose to be visualized in its natural state and carefully altered. It also allows for much better placement and fixation of the cartilage grafts necessary to restore structure to the nose.

Rhinoplasty with Dr. Patrick Cleveland in Palm Beach and Jupiter Florida

At Patrick Cleveland Facial Plastic Surgery, we pride ourselves on providing personalized, compassionate care. Dr. Cleveland’s expertise in rhinoplasty ensures that each patient receives the best possible outcome, tailored to their individual needs and aesthetic goals.


Real Patient Testimonials: Personal Experiences with Blepharoplasty

At Patrick Cleveland Facial Plastic Surgery, we strive to provide a comfortable and welcoming environment for our patients and their families. Our modern facility, combined with our compassionate and professional staff, ensures that your experience will be as positive and stress-free as possible. We will walk you through the process in detail before your surgery, so your recovery is as smooth as possible.

Hear from other patients and parents who have undergone Rhinoplasty with Dr. Patrick Cleveland. Their stories can provide valuable insight into the process and outcomes of the procedure.

Financing Options

At Patrick Cleveland Facial Plastic Surgery, we understand that investing in your well-being is important, and we offer various financing options to help make the procedure more affordable. Our team will be happy to discuss these options with you during your consultation.

Why Choose Dr. Patrick Cleveland for Revision Rhinoplasty?

Dr. Patrick Cleveland’s expertise, compassion, and dedication to patient satisfaction sets him apart from other facial plastic surgeons. He understands the unique challenges and concerns faced by patients when considering revision rhinoplasty. His individualized approach to each patient ensures that they receive the best possible care and results.

During your consultation, Dr. Cleveland will discuss your goals, evaluate your nasal structure, and create a customized treatment plan. This is an opportunity to address any concerns and ask questions about the procedure, so that Dr. Cleveland can assess if you are a good candidate for cosmetic surgery.

Importance of Choosing a Double Board Certified, Fellowship Trained Facial Plastic Surgeon

When considering Rhinoplasty, it’s vital to choose a Double Board Certified, Fellowship Trained Facial Plastic Surgeon like Dr. Patrick Cleveland. Facial Plastic Surgery Fellowships are extremely competitive as there are a limited number nationally and focus solely on the face. Facial Plastic Surgeons do NOT practice breast or body surgery, and only dedicate their time to Facial Procedures. This ensures that your surgeon has the necessary education, training, and experience to perform complex facial plastic procedures, providing you with the confidence that your nose is in the best possible hands.

Get to Know Dr. Patrick Cleveland

Learn more about Dr. Patrick Cleveland, his education, training, and dedication to excellence in the field of Facial Plastic Surgery. As a Double Board-Certified Facial Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Cleveland’s commitment to patient satisfaction and personalized care makes him the ideal choice for your rhinoplasty needs.

Schedule Your Revision Rhinoplasty Today

Dr. Cleveland is one of the top rated rhinoplasty surgeons in South Florida, and one of the only that was fellowship trained by the leaders of the field in Manhattan. He has been internationally recognized for his expertise and invited to speak to surgeons from around the world. If you believe that Revision Rhinoplasty may be the right choice for you, don’t hesitate to schedule a consultation with Dr. Patrick Cleveland in Palm Beach county. A consultation with him will provide you with valuable insight into your options and a deeper understanding of all facets of your nose and the rhinoplasty experience. He will carefully assess your needs and goals, providing expert guidance and personalized care to ensure the best possible outcome and once you decide you are ready for surgery, he will be there to give you the nose you always hoped for.